Year-end Message From Wes Reeder

December 22, 2020

As we look forward to the New Year, it is difficult to reflect upon, and make sense of…2020. The year has, despite what we each believe, resulted in profound change. I don’t know how permanent this change is, or if it is permanent at all. I hope to return to the old normal…and have nothing but disdain for media acolytes that refer to a “new normal.”  I also am grateful that we have weathered what is arguably the greatest economic calamity of our lifetime. I have thought that all of this is Orwellian, or Back to the Future…but it is not a novel…nor is it a movie. It is the reality of 2020.

If this year had been a football game, somehow both teams lost; coaches were ejected, players left injured, and fans beat each other up in the parking lot. Nothing good comes of it…or does it? It could be that because of all the challenges and adversity of 2020, we may actually become stronger. It is possible that America’s immune system was strengthened in 2020; and despite my imaginary football game example…we may return next week and cheer on our heroes.

As we look forward to 2021, I remain optimistic. Despite all the challenges of 2020, we continue to work hard; stay cool, calm and collected; and show respect for and encourage one another. We have been and continue to be accountable to each other; in prayer and support.  As far as our economic health, we hit our revenue goals and had our best year ever. I think a big part of what we do is solve problems, and I think it is remarkable. This is what makes America great. If we as Americans would unite in solving problems, instead of creating them and complaining, just imagine what that would look like.

It would be woefully inadequate for me to simply say that I am proud and humbled by each member of our team. When I started this company, I believed that someday I would be surrounded by people who were way out of my league, but I really had no idea. Each of you make me better. The reason our company is successful is because of what each of us do together, individually and collectively. We are the American dream…family…woman…man…mother…father… innovator…problem solver…entrepreneur…artist…poet…dreamer…achiever. We make America great.

Thank you for what you do, but more importantly, thank you for who you are. Let’s make 2021 the best yet.  

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wes Reeder

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