Pre-Bid Preparations Ramp Up for New CISD Projects

November 22, 2019

Carroll ISD Walnut Grove Elementary School / Rockenbaugh Elementary School Additions and Renovations

Pre-bid preparations ramped up this week for upcoming Carroll ISD projects as REEDER invited Subcontractors to attend a Pre-Bid Agenda Meeting & Tour that began at Walnut Grove Elementary School and ended at Rockenbaugh Elementary School.

In preparation for our upcoming bid day, scheduled for December 5, 2019, potential Subcontractors and Vendors were invited to tour the two elementary schools to see how the addition and renovation plans will transform each facility. Representatives from the Project Team, which included the Architects from Natex Corporation Architect and LPA Design Studios; John Haugen, Carroll ISD’s Construction Manager; and Mike Miller, Superintendent of Facility Services; explained the procurement process and answered project and procurement questions.

Are you a quality Subcontractor orVendor that would like to join our team of professional builders? Visit the Subcontractorpage on our website.

We look forward to receiving your bids!

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