A Letter From The President

December 18, 2018

ANOTHER YEAR IN THE BOOKSAs we close out our year I can't help but extend my thanks for being surrounded with so many quality people. I value each of you and remain humbled that you have chosen to be a part of not only the Reeder Team but my life. Each of you have raised the bar for our company and helped us to sustain the highest level of professionalism in our industry.It started a long time ago with the values that we continue to live by: Love your neighbor as yourself. Be the best you can be at what you want to be. Leave everything you touch better than it was before. Admit your mistakes...give and forgive.As we face a new year just around the corner I want us all to acknowledge our blessings and pay particular attention to those less fortunate than us. It is after all the season of giving. It is more than ever a time to be a blessing to others; to share our lives. I know we get lost in the day to day, but maybe we can pause just long enough to notice that there is something bigger than ourselves. Something we can be a part of, without any notoriety or fanfare. Buy someones lunch or pay for their groceries. Visit a hospital, smile at your neighbor (which is everyone) or just be patient and listen to someone who is having a bad day. Say thanks and shake the hand of a veteran or active duty soldier. Do the same with our Policeman and Firefighters. These are the real heroes. You never know the impact you can have on someone.Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!My Best,Wes ReederPresident & CEO

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